Mammoth, CA to Salt Lake City, UT by way of Nevada
Dana and I started out from Mammoth a little after 8 am with an iPod, Portuguese lessons on CD (I can say "I speak a little Portuguese" in Portuguese. Spell it, not so much), some (healthy) snacks, and a readiness for travel.
The first two hours were pretty nice in terms of scenery (green, trees, mountains, ect- pretty much what Dana lives in a lot of the time). Then- the desert.

We arrived in Salt Lake City a little after 7pm where we met Brooke and Daniel, friends of Dana's and our hosts for the evening, for a bit of Thai food and good conversation. She works for the IRC (International Rescue Committee) where she helps refugees who have come to live in the Salt Lake area, and he is a Fireman. Yeah. They're awesome.
Then to sleepies, to sleepies, jiggity jig.
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